






$@#%#$%$%$$$#@#$ 老實說,當下我真的翻白眼了!




i've decided to let my 2yr old girl pack her bags and start school!

there were actually quite a few research stating that it is best for the child to start school around the age 3.

then why am i sending her off so early?

it is the school.

it has big outfield, many tress, ponds, even farm animals like goats, ducks, dogs!

they even built their own green house for plantation and the food they serve to kids are all from the green house!

isn't this amazing? A learning environment with great nature surround~

What's best is what they plan to teach to kids.

no textbooks! 

Teachers will set one subject of study for each semester, such as "my little kitchen, i m a traveller..."

if this semester is set on kitchen for instance, kids will need to learn everything going on in the kitchen.

cookware, food, preparation for food, shopping for food, learning to use kitchen tools(knives, peelers, sifter...)

they even have to go to the green house themselves and handpick vegetables!

Arn't these great for a playful 2 yrs old!

I dun see this school as to go learning only, they are having fun yet learning what's most natural about life.

i love this school!

Yet, the in-laws tend to think negatively, thinking that it is just a big cage for kids this age.


i couldn't agree with them at all!

I really hope my in-laws can start looking at things postively first before rejecting everything!



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